For so long the meek have been ridiculed as weak, they are seen as doormats or spineless. Yet in today's society, having the true qualities of meekness require great strength. A truly meek person is extremely difficult to find and yet when you get to know one, they are both a joy and delight. The strength of a meek person lies in his ability to not be provoked to anger, to deflect the wrath of another and to defuse fiery situations. The meek person will also rather forgive a dozen wrongs than take revenge for one. Their true strength lies in their ability to keep God's will as their focus and not allow their own emotions and desires to take precedent. Many a stony heart has been softened and many a life been positively impacted by these amazing people. The meek are calm when all around them the world is raging. They are the humble in spirit who put others before themselves and who know, that without God in their lives, their lives count for nothing. Having a meek person as a friend or spouse is a true blessing, for life with them around is peaceful, joyful and even in the dark times they are strong. Meekness is not a personality trait, but rather a strength that is learned only through a constant and sincere relationship with God.