As I mentioned previously I have recently been in hospital and during my recovery program I had to learn some things about myself. The most difficult of which was to surrender control of everything I do. I am, in some ways, a bit of a control freak and like to have everything pre-planned – spontaneity is not my strong point! This served me well when getting ready to go in to hospital and I organized everything including arranging for my step-daughter to fly up and take care of me when I got out of hospital. I really didn't think that she would need to stay for more than two weeks and that she really would not need to do much more than meal preparation and some of my chores.
Was I ever wrong! I had no idea of how helpless I was going to be! Granted, I could get up and walk about, shower etc., but as for the amount of bed rest that I needed and how dependent I had become, I was shocked. Yet at the same time, because there was nothing else for me to do but accept my situation, I was able to surrender and allow her to take over.
As the days turned into weeks and my bedroom became like Grand Central Station for visitors, I was able to allow others to pray for me, do things for me, and, for the first time, to do it graciously. I had no choice. I was, in many ways, as helpless as a toddler.
The lesson that I got out of my situation is that, by letting my stepdaughter have control, I was doing exactly what God wants us to do with Him. You see, although I could have forced myself to do my own chores, I would have hindered my healing process and I could never, in my weakened state, have been able to do them anywhere near as effectively as what she could. God in His strength, wants us to give Him the control. Yes, we must do what we can, but with His guidance through His Word and Holy Spirit.
Surrendering may seem like a weak thing to do, as we tend to equate it with war, but we are not at war with God, nor was I at war with my stepdaughter. What we are, in effect, doing when we surrender our lives to God, is giving Him the opportunity to work through us, to strengthen and grow us spiritually, and to prepare us for the glorious riches that He has for us in eternity. At the same time, a life fully surrendered to Christ is a life that is filled with peace and inner joy no matter what our circumstances because we know that He is ultimately in control and that He works things for the good of those who love Him!