Friday, January 29, 2010


Psalm 118:24 'This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it.' How many times have we complained about having a "bad day" or felt buoyant because we have had a great day! Every day we face is a gift from God. The good ones and the bad. The bad ones refine us and the good ones restore us. It is important that we understand the fact that once a day has gone, it is not going to be repeated. That we have to make the most of every day that we have. If you are working in a job that doesn't satisfy you, but you need it to keep a roof over your family's head and feed and clothe them, then try and find ways to get satisfaction out of your day in other ways. I will use myself as an example. I worked as a secretary ever since leaving college (secretarial college) and I hated every moment of it. I did, however, find that I enjoyed being with people, made friends easily and always had people coming to me with their personal problems. I remember my different places of employment not by the work involved, but by the people I worked with and the problems they faced. Looking back on my life, I realized that God had made it possible for me to get through the dreary times and at the same time showed me what area He had in mind for me. I have recently completed a course in Christian Counselling!

Be grateful for every day that you have, even when it seems impossible as you deal with hardship or even tragedy. For God is using all these situations, good and bad, to mould you into the person that He designed you to be. I am not suggesting, when I say make the most of each day, that you go out and live your life recklessly, but rather that you make the best of whatever situation that you are in. Living this way allows God to work through you and your life will be enriched and filled with an inner joy and peace that no man can destroy.