Today I stand with head bowed down, troubles on my heart but at peace with the knowledge that I am powerless to do anything about them. I personally cannot remove the tumour on my sister's brain, I cannot make my friends in hospital heal any faster or suffer less. Nor can I heal the hearts of the hurting when they come to me for counsel. That is why my head is bowed. Not with the weight of troubles - but in prayer.
I cannot do the surgery my sister requires but I know that God has equipped others who can, and placed the right people in the right place to do exactly that. I cannot mend broken hearts and shattered dreams but I can help pick up the pieces. God has said that when we bring our prayers to Him he will listen and answer and that when two or more of us gather in His name - well then powerful things happen!
So I don't want to waste time imagining what could go wrong when I could use that time thanking God for that person and for the fact that He is taking care of them right at that very moment. As much as you or I may care for and love someone who is suffering, we must never forget that God's love for them is even greater and He has only what is best for them in His heart. So today I bow my head, bend my knees and lift my heart to the most Almighty God, who created the Universe and yet loves tiny little us so completely. I ask our heavenly Father to have His Hand on their lives to heal them, to make the Surgeons steady and sure in their actions and to keep these wonderful people with us here on earth for a much longer period. I thank God for the gift of life that He has given to each and every one of them and I ask Him to give them all a much longer time in which they can bring glory to Him and witness of His amazing love and supreme healing powers.
We are never helpless. We have prayer. The most amazing, awesome gift that you can imagine and yet which is so under-rated. God hears the prayers of the righteous. So when your heart is filled with the right intentions, and you present your requests before God, He will hear you and He will answer you. He may not always give you the answer you want but He will always give you the BEST answer.
I cannot do the surgery my sister requires but I know that God has equipped others who can, and placed the right people in the right place to do exactly that. I cannot mend broken hearts and shattered dreams but I can help pick up the pieces. God has said that when we bring our prayers to Him he will listen and answer and that when two or more of us gather in His name - well then powerful things happen!
So I don't want to waste time imagining what could go wrong when I could use that time thanking God for that person and for the fact that He is taking care of them right at that very moment. As much as you or I may care for and love someone who is suffering, we must never forget that God's love for them is even greater and He has only what is best for them in His heart. So today I bow my head, bend my knees and lift my heart to the most Almighty God, who created the Universe and yet loves tiny little us so completely. I ask our heavenly Father to have His Hand on their lives to heal them, to make the Surgeons steady and sure in their actions and to keep these wonderful people with us here on earth for a much longer period. I thank God for the gift of life that He has given to each and every one of them and I ask Him to give them all a much longer time in which they can bring glory to Him and witness of His amazing love and supreme healing powers.
We are never helpless. We have prayer. The most amazing, awesome gift that you can imagine and yet which is so under-rated. God hears the prayers of the righteous. So when your heart is filled with the right intentions, and you present your requests before God, He will hear you and He will answer you. He may not always give you the answer you want but He will always give you the BEST answer.