"Christianity is a crutch for the weak!" Have you heard that one? How about "Christians are shallow minded" and my personal favourite "Christians are judgemental" as they stand in judgement of us. What they don't understand is that it isn't easy being a Christian, especially if you are more than just a pew warmer! When we step out in faith to do God's will, Satan does not like it and so he comes against us. The weapons he uses most often are the things that are our weaknesses, which make the battle even harder. Society is against us. What is socially acceptable is so often contrary to God's desires for our lives that our life choices are frowned on or ridiculed - take the "no sex before marriage" example and you will understand what I mean. Let's face it, we are at war. However, what we need to remember is that the enemy has already been defeated. His battle is lost and all he is really doing is causing trouble as he heads towards his eternal fiery pit. His desire is to take as many souls with him on his way down as he possibly can. Which raises the question "so why are we at war?" If Satan has already been defeated and we are saved, Jesus has forgiven our sins and we are assured of a place in heaven, then why fight? Surely all we need to do is keep the ten commandments, go to church on Sundays and pay our tithes then we should be okay? We fight because God has commissioned us to do just that. We fight by showing God's almighty, unfailing love to those who don't know Him. We fight by awakening a hunger and thirst for Him in the hearts of those who are lost so that they too can be saved. We fight by living for others and not for ourselves, by standing up for the weak, the helpless and the oppressed. We fight by protecting this beautiful planet that God gave to us to care for and which is being systematically destroyed by man's greed and selfish stupidity. We stand firm. We do not allow ourselves to be shaken or to loosen our grip on God's hand as we walk through this life His way. We fight because God loves the lost so much that He died on the cross for us all. We fight because God has chosen us to be His children. We fight because somebody stood in the gap for us. Somebody prayed for us or stepped out in faith so that we could know Jesus and now it is our turn! Following Jesus is not easy. He never said it would be, but the rewards are greater than anything on earth!