Living Generously
In this time of recession and hardship, the thought of being generous is the last thing on people's minds. Instead, an attitude of "charity begins at home" prevails as people do their best to keep from losing their homes, vehicles and other things that they treasure. They toss and turn at night, cut down on the few "luxuries" in their lives and hope that soon things will return to normal and that they will survive the financial crisis. Yet this is not how God has called us to live. If we are living our lives as He has called us to, then we should not be worrying about these issues. God has promised us that He will meet our needs if we put our trust in Him. "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him." Nahum 1:7.
Generous living is far more than parting with your money. It is living a life that does not look down on other people, that reaches out to others to assist them in their time of need. This may be as simple as helping your elderly neighbor with carrying their parcels, or willingly helping with a lift club. There are hundreds of ways in which we can generously extend of our time and our hearts to be there for other people. All around our wonderful country (South Africa) there are stories of elderly woman, themselves existing on only a miniscule government pension, who have taken in aids orphans, providing them with food and shelter but more importantly love and security.
Recently our church and city has been blessed by having approximately 400 people out for a Soul in the City project. These people, mainly youngsters, came out from the UK, with a few from several spots in Europe, paid for their own fare and accommodation costs, and helped several churches in the Durban area with projects that the churches are working on currently. They dug holes and cleared land to plant vegetables, trees, and wash-lines. They had a "sports / fun day" for underprivileged children and they worked like many of them have never done before in their lives! They gave generously of their time and poured love into the lives of people who have very little love in their own lives.
Generosity is only possible if we are ourselves content. So long as we continue to feel that we do not have the best car, house or latest cell phone then we will never be able to be generous to others. It is only when we can put an eternal perspective on our need for "things" as opposed to being able to bring some joy into someone's life that we can start to live generously the way God intended us to. "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
The other side of the coin to generosity, is the ability to receive! It is truly amazing how often people are ungracious or embarrassed when someone does something for them. When someone extends a generous helping hand to you in your time of need, accept graciously and joyfully because that is as much a blessing to them as their help is to you! By rejecting help when it is extended, you may hurt that person to the extent that they never reach out to anyone again! Your action would then impact the lives of so many others who may have received help, but now never will!
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