Tuesday, February 7, 2012

One Pearl....One Plain...

Knitting is something that, I am sorry to say, I have never mastered. I just don’t have the patience and being left-handed in a predominantly right-handed society didn’t help much either (except as a useful excuse).  What I do know about knitting is that it is intricate, time consuming work. It is the process whereby a garment is made stitch by tiny stitch. So when I read Psalm 139:13 “You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” I was amazed to come across the word ‘knit’.
For me this meant that God took time to make you and I. He spent time on each and every cell of our bodies. Every tiny detail that makes us an individual, He specifically designed and knitted together. Then when He had put the final hair on our heads and filled us with the talents and gifts that He specifically wanted us to have, then He sat back and smiled and waited for us to grow.
Realising this made me look at people differently. We are all drawn into the Hollywood idea of beauty and the majority of us are, as a result, never quite satisfied with the way we look. We constantly compare our appearance and our talents with others – and we always find ourselves lacking and therefore ‘not good enough.’  However, if God has created us, intricately and intimately, then surely He had a reason for making us exactly the way we are?  When God created us He had a specific plan and purpose for our lives and therefore provided us with the necessary skills and talents to complete His purpose. 
In God’s eyes we are all beautiful. We are His masterpieces. His creation.  He does not produce ‘junk’. We can only be thankful to Him for giving us life but, most importantly, He wants us to give our lives back to Him. Imagine how He rejoices when we do that! When we say ‘Thank You God, here I am, show me what You want of me. Let me live my life according to Your plan and purpose!’  Nobody spends days knitting a garment just to pack it away in a box. No! In the same way, God never created us to be ‘on display’, none of us are ‘useless’ or ‘worthless.’
Take a step back from your hang-ups and problems, think about your Creator knitting you together, to be just as you are, for Him, then give thanks to Him for making you as unique and special as you are.

1 comment:

  1. For someone who can't help multi-tasking, knitting is a great teacher. You can't do the stitch three along. If you even think about it, you're going to lose count and make mistakes. You have to "live in the moment" is the most conscious, basic way.
